Call To Action

Brian S. Brown

Frank Schubert
Disney Creators’ LGBT Agenda – IN THEIR OWN WORDS
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Our successes are due to the truth of our message and the passion and sacrifice of our supporters. Please share your time, energy, ideas and treasure to help rebuild a positive marriage culture now and for generations to come. Marriage is too important to abandon!
Latest marriage news
Controversial Massachusetts bill aims to destroy traditional family structure
A new controversial 42-page bill unanimously passed in the Massachusetts Legislature signals the state’s objective of attacking the traditional family and redefining family in favor of LGBT ideology.
United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast leaves denomination over changes in marriage definition
The United Methodist Church’s largest international division, the United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast, has opted to leave the denomination. This decision comes in the wake of the Church’s groundbreaking move to redefine marriage and lift longstanding restrictions on LGBT clergy members.
Survey reveals slight decrease in US public support for same-sex marriage for first time in a decade
Public support for same-sex marriage in the United States has declined slightly for the first time in almost a decade, according to a new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute.